Ceiling Collapse: Preventable!
Are you the owner or steward of a pre 1960 building? Are your plaster ceilings secure, or are they ready to collapse? Proper inspection...
Not All Plaster Walls are Equal
So plaster is plaster is plaster....right? Not so much! There are actually 4 major plaster systems! For the guy fixing your wall,...
Plaster and Water don't Mix
Drip, drip, drip. Its just a little drip, every now and then, so we'll get to it sometime....right? Sometimes water damage is a big deal,...
Why is Acoustical Texture on my Plaster Ceiling?
Ahhh....acoustic ceiling texture. Ain't it grand? Whenever I see this (or some heavy-handed 'knock-down' psuedo stucco-type texture) on a...